Dienstag, 17. September 2013

12 Days!

Hello <3,

my last blogpost was a long time ago. I'm sorry but the fourth semester was...just... CRAZY. So. much. to. do! And again, I didn't feel like writing.

I'm sitting here in my room at my parent's house and try to have an all-night party because I think I cannot do that for a long long time. So, when I always do that I'm in the mood to do something that I don't usually do..like blogging! Hehe~
I also think that I need to revitalize my blog because I'M GOING TO JAPAN IN 12 DAYS and I still cannot believe it.I had this dream since I'm 14. Here I am..preparing for an one year student exchange. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I even can't believe that I was in Japan one year ago! It feels like yesterday ... I don't know.

I cleaned up my Desktop and there it was: my folder with photos of my Japan trip.
It was just so awesome. Best trip that I ever had and so I hope that my exchange will be also that great! What am I saying! It will be great...!

I still have some problem. I ordered my contact lenses on Sunday but they say that it will take 10-14 days to ship. SO I F.... HOPE THAT THEY WILL ARRIVE BEFORE I LEAVE. I paid a lot of money for them..and I need them because I cannot see with my old glasses ._. Well, I can see but not as good with my contact lenses...

and I also forgot to check if I need to be vaccinated and tomorrow the doctor is closed and SO I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY AND I HATE THIS. I HOPE IT CAN BE DONE BEFORE I LEAVE!!!

yeah, that's it so far.
have a nice day!

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