Hello internet,
yesterday I went home to my father. I planned to go home the day before but I got sick and the plan was ruined (well, had more time to play Final Fantasy VIII hehe).
It's so boring here. We live in a very small city (smaller than Heidelberg), therefore I have nothing to do. The only thing I did today was to cut my fringe, go to the supermarket and getting an Amazon Student!
I can recommend it, because you are automatically an Amazon Prime member, which means, the shipping is free! You just need an university e-mail adress.
You can read more about it here
I already ordered something: a new hard disk!
I can watch more japanese TV shows soon (had a hard disk with 1 terabyte before but it's already full). Can't wait...
Dein Blog ist ja süß ^_^ ♥
AntwortenLöschenIch folge dir mal!!
Wow, deine ext. Festplatte ist voll mit Dorama etc?? ♥_♥