Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Helter Skelter & Dinner

Hello internet,

watched an interesting movie last night which is called "Helter Skelter" (へルタースケルター).
Don't watch if you don't like porn ^o^

If you like japanese fashion, you will love this movie! Erika looks so cute in this movie~

btw I made italian dressing:

What the hell happened....

Dear internet,

today something extremely weird happened.

I wasn't at home for one day...and I just realized this:

What the fuck happened to my basil T_T Now I have to make dressing out of it....

Freitag, 22. März 2013


Hello internet,

I'm not going to do anything special today and I didn't do anything special this morning (did healthy breakfast and was jogging for an hour).

Therefore I will just post my breakfast, which was yummy~

Straweberries and toast with メロンパンスプレッド (melon pan spread)

Left:青汁ドリンク (aojiru drink) with kiwi, banana, milk and joghurt
Right: cranberry juice

Music that I can recommend today: